Case Study

Rosati's Pizza 55th Anniversary
Social Media Campaign

A journey of creativity, strategy, and precision, distilled into groundbreaking solutions.

Rosati's Pizza 55 year anniversary

Rosati's Pizza,

a nationwide pizza chain, was celebrating its 55th anniversary and wanted to do a massive promotion.

Vectra Digital developed a year-long campaign to celebrate each decade by tying Rosati’s Pizza to historical events.

When memorable events were happening, “Rosati’s was there”, at the dinner table and in homes. Menu items were featured each month with a different year from the past 55 years, with a throwback price.

Decade discount chart

Vectra Digital developed a unique 55th Anniversary logo

Just each month had its own decade (the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s) with its own pop-art creative direction that incorporated nostalgic imagery and color.

These were then remixed each week of the month celebrating that decade with a photograph of the menu item included.

Award Winning Design
award winning design
Promotional materials by Vectra

Facebook Page Growth:

Facebook page growth chart

Instagram Acc Growth:

Instagram account growth
Amazon giftcards

Vectra Digital coupled celebrating this 55-year milestone achievement with an Amazon gift card giveaway each month to a Rosati’s fan – from $255 to $355 – each with “55” in the card value.

Ad copy had historical and pop culture moments from that year and promoted the menu item at the price point it was at that year.

The response was immediate and massive.

Hundreds of comments flooded social media from customers describing eating Rosati's Pizza at dinners as kids or reveling in the nostalgia from each posts' featured decade.

Some stories were amazing: Memories of eating Rosati’s Pizza while watching the moon landing on TV and waiting in line for Rosati’s with new Game Boys being played.

Social media strategy
Instagram page growth line graph
Facebook page growth


People reached




New emails added for marketing

Build the '55' pizza

Each week, customers were invited to a specially-developed landing page.

In this special landing page the costumers chose a new ingredient to be added to the pizza from a list of available. They also selected their favorite local Rosati’s so future marketing could be targeted.

Landing page design

Two meat ingredients and two vegetable ingredients were chosen over the course of four weeks, with tens of thousands of votes cast.

Each week, the votes were tallied and the winning topping ingredient was announced on social media and email. They were also encouraged to take part in the next round of voting.

And finalized their votes by choosing their favorite store and signing up for future email promotions. When Week 4 concluded and the final vote was cast, a “thank you” post and email went out to all customers, thanking them for choosing the new specialty pizza, The 55, and announcing that it will be added to the menu soon.

New "THE 55" Pizza
Rosati's Pizza

In the end, the customers got to see the pizza they voted for.

The final pizza, The 55, as voted on by tens of thousands of Rosati’s Pizza customers has pepperoni, Italian sausage, mushrooms, and onion.

This year-long campaign came to a head in December with the “Build The 55” promotion. We spent the year looking back and celebrating the past 55 years with Rosati’s customers.

During the last month, it was time to look to the future and have these same customers vote for toppings on the next big specialty pizza: The 55. This was promoted heavily on social media, in email, and in print at every one of their nationwide locations.

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